Soft film smallpox of color matching is a very professional knowledge, how to make good use of color not only to personal preference and the level designers have great relations.
When the collocation of engineering of soft film smallpox many customers are more concerned about the general problem of color soft film smallpox. This may also have a close relationship with the whole project. Like bath, swimming pool and water to deal with situations generally cold tones of soft film smallpox more, this can give people a refreshing feeling, like hall, lobby this project with yellow soft film smallpox to decorate luxurious high-grade feeling can be achieved.
But there are a few common rules that can be used for reference.
White collocation principle
White can be matched with any color, but to mix well, but also to the designer a good fee.
In a strong contrast, the heavier the white component, the softer it looks.
Blue color matching principle
In all colors, the blue dress is easiest to match with other colors. Whether it is similar to the black blue or dark blue, are relatively easy to match, and blue with the sea, the color of the sky is very close, full of charm.
Black collocation principle
Black is the color of hundred wild, no matter what color put together, will do not have a lot of style, but black should not occupy too much space, otherwise it will gives depressing feeling.
Our company has a special color matching staff if there is such a problem, then we can consult.